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发布日期:2014-02-28   作者:    浏览次数:
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题目:Late Comer or First runner?- Map of the wine in China to analysis of knowledge creation and Regional Innovation System Utilizing GIS and SNA

主讲人:CHOI, HaeOk 东京大学




The network linkages of knowledge creation utilizing patents are growing according to the growth demand of new technology, convergence, and new life style in China. This research tries to investigate in the respect of spatial, structural, and temporal characteristics that is research of national and regional level. Therefore, the growth of creative knowledge is investigated by inter-institutional during the period of 1986-2012. Regarding to methodologies, this research adopted to utilize social network analysis to evaluate the characteristics of creative knowledge flows with inter-institutional linkages. The meaningful results found during the last around 30 year’s analysis as the growth of wine cluster and knowledge creation linkages in China. The inter-regional network was organized and reshaped to overcome former research limitations.