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发布日期:2015-10-19   作者:    浏览次数:
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题目:Equality concerns and the limits of self-governance in heterogeneous populations

主讲人:Marie Claire Villival教授

主讲人介绍:Marie Claire Villeval教授,法国国家科学院GATE研究所主任,CNRS研究教授,IZA研究员;担任欧洲实验经济学会(ESA)副主席、法国经济学会前任主席、法国实验经济学创始主席、欧洲劳动经济学会委员会委员等多项职务。Villeval教授的研究领域涉及行为经济学、实验经济学、神经经济学等,现任Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization杂志副主编、Experimental Economics等杂志编委,已在Nature,Science,AER,GEB,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Labor Economics顶尖期刊发表大量论文。

摘要:Mechanisms to overcome social dilemmas provide incentives to maximize efficiency. However,often– such as when agents are heterogeneous – there is a tradeoffbetween efficiency and equality. Agents’ concerns for equality in such instances can limit the ability of mechanisms to promote efficiency. We provide evidence for this from a public good experiment using a simple mechanism which allows individuals to communicate periodically with other group members and reward them for their actions. We show that, in homogeneous populations–where there is notension between efficiency and equality– the mechanism permits group to obtain maximumefficiency. This is not the case in heterogeneous populations where individuals derive different benefits from cooperation. Although almost all heterogeneous groups agree to follow specific contribution rules with positive contributions, most of them either prioritize equality over efficiency or strike a compromise between the two. These findings suggest that equality concerns can impose limits on the ability of heterogeneous populations to reach efficient outcomes through self-governance.