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发布日期:2017-04-18   作者:    浏览次数:
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时间:2017424  晚上18:30开始



主讲人:邓欣  澳大利亚南澳大学商学院高级讲师

主讲人介绍:邓欣博士现为澳大利亚南澳大学商学院经济学高级讲师。本科及研究生毕业于武汉大学,博士就读于澳大利亚莫纳什大学经济学系,师从黄有光教授。邓欣博士长期从事应用经济学及相关领域的教学及研究,对劳动力市场,金融经济学及环境经济学等领域都有丰富的研究经验和发表。她近期的研究主要关注劳动力市场的多元化,尤其是对性别问题和企业社会责任(CSR)方面颇有建树。她的有关研究成果以会议论文,书稿及期刊论文的方式发表。她已经在国际匿名审稿期刊上发表了十几篇文章,最新的有关企业社会责任的研究已发表在国际顶级匿名审稿期刊(Human Resource ManagementGroup and Organization Management)上。她的研究也吸引了包括来自联合国妇女署在内的企业和国际组织的研究基金。 她的大部分研究与中国有关, 对中国的商业环境以及中国的劳工市场有深入的了解。 她的个人经历及专业训练都使她深信:劳动力市场的多元化不仅令个人及企业双赢,而且对经济增长也是必不可少的因素。

AbstractIntra-household resource allocation has been identified as a major factor influencing children’s outcomes, which are vital for economic development. This paper takes a unique perspective and examines the impact of women’s bargaining power in intra-household decision making on children’s school progression such as late enrolment, grade repetition, and incidence of grade repetition. We develop and test an indicator for women’s bargaining power; both Probit and Poisson estimates suggest that the composite effect of women’s bargaining power reduces late enrolment and grade repetition. Further investigation on each component of the bargaining power indicates that, while women’s relative education and earnings are critical for their children’s grade progression, their relative age serves as a buffer to reduce late enrolment. A stepwise regression approach further reveals a confounding effect of household covariates on the role of women’s bargaining power on school progression. We notice that factors such as rural dwelling and travel distance to fetch water for household use lower the impact of women’s bargaining power on late enrolment, but positively influence their children’s grade progression. Our findings echo the call to improve female education and labour market participation as this will not only mitigate gender inequality for the parents’ generation, but also benefit the next generation by facilitating better education opportunities and progression for their children.