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发布日期:2017-05-26   作者:    浏览次数:
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时间:2017年68日 上午1030开始


题目:Product line competition: An empirical analysis of the Chinese Airline Industry

主讲人: Xin Xie, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University

主讲人简介:受邀人毕业于美国的 Kansas State University,研究方向为实用产业组织,现在East Tennessee State University工作,已经发表产业组织理论方向高水平1篇,多篇进入再审程序。

Abstract: Consumer heterogeneity drives airlines to compete with each other through product lines, in the form of a variety of products with different ticket policies (change and refund policies), seat options, and fare subclasses for a given flight. Using product level (flight-ticket) data from a Chinese provider of travel services, we find that the numbers of products an airline offers is not significantly affected by market competition (measured by HHI), but varies on the basis on
airport network, time of travel (day of week and time of day), and advance purchase. We also characterize menu pricing within an airline’s product lines. Consumers face different tradeoffs between uncertainty and fare savings. As a result, menu pricing within product lines lead them to self select into different product varieties. Our results show that higher change/refund fee leads to lower qualities of products and in turn lower fares. Factors such as HHI, time of travel and advance purchase also help explain fare differences within an airline’s product line, after controlling for carrier and route fixed effects.